Skin Conditions
Acne dermatologist treatment in London and Sussex wide. Our acne dermatologists can advise on all aspects of skin care.
Acne is one of the most common skin conditions in the UK. Although acne is common, it’s difficult to get accurate information. Adult acne is increasing so you are not alone. We are specialist acne dermatologists who can help with more severe acne or scarring acne or when over the counter treatments have not worked.
Symptoms of Acne
Acne is a very common skin condition where you get blackheads, whiteheads and pus-filled spots. It can be mild with a few spots on your face, neck, back and chest to a more severe skin problem that can cause scarring that reduces self-esteem.
Acne typically starts during puberty. For most, it tends to go away by your early to mid-twenties but it can continue longer. It can also develop for the first time in your late twenties and later.
Adult acne is becoming more common. Although acne affects women more often, men can suffer from acne too. Adult female acne occurs after the teen years, typically after the age of 25 and can extend well over 50. It can even last after menopause.
Acne can be a mixture of:
- oily skin
- blackheads
- whiteheads
- red spots
- pus-filled pimples
What Causes Acne?
- Genetics. If acne runs in your family, you are more likely to suffer with it.
- Hormonal acne is particularly troublesome for women before periods. Testosterone and becoming a teenager can trigger teen acne in young men and women. Hormones are responsible for pregnancy acne.
- Increased presence of the acne causing bacteria called P. acnes (now called C. acnes) can have a genetic component.
- Follicular hyper keratinization, which is the medical term for clogged and plugged pores, causes comedones. These can be microscopic plugs, macroscopic plugs such as blackheads, and even small closed cysts.
- Inflammation in the skin.
- Other medical conditions, for example PCOS
- Lifestyle- modern living goes hand in hand with stress
- Diet- we are so busy, it’s really hard to find time to have plenty of anti oxidants in your diet.
Meet your local dermatologists

We are Dr Anita Amin, Consultant Dermatologist and Dr Anna Ascott, Specialist Registrar in Dermatology. We set up Skin Assist as a secure online web app. We set it up so people can get timely access to dermatologists at a time when waiting times to see a dermatologist can be up to one year.
We offer a bespoke Healthy Skin Treatment Plan based on your submitted photos and photo consultation. Here’s what you get:
- Bespoke skin care advice
- Access to over 30 specialist acne creams
- Acne diet plan with clear advice on food for acne
- Secure Skin Assist webapp
- Bespoke treatment plan within 72 hours
- Suitable for comedonal acne, hormonal acne, acne in pregnancy
- Suitable for adult acne and teen acne
- If you need oral acne treatment, we’ll get you booked in for a discounted online dermatology video consultation
Get Healthy Skin Treatment Plan £95
Recommended for:
Acne treatment for hormonal acne, cystic acne, teen acne, rosacea, seborrhoeic dermatitis and peri- oral dermatitis. Learn how to treat acne with a bespoke acne treatment plan.
If you need oral acne treatment, our Skin Assist online acne consultation can help
We offer you an acne video appointment typically within a week. Lasting up to 30-minutes, you have a 20-minute consultation with a consultant dermatologist. They then take a further 10 minutes to write patient reports and ensure safe prescribing with access to over 30 acne treatments. Our program has a 95% cure rate. You will start to see results within 4 weeks with mostly clear skin in 4 months.
Who should use our online acne consultations?
If you have cystic acne on the chin, cystic acne on the cheeks, or really bad acne, we can help with an online consultation. This is recommended because we can give you the best oral acne treatment with the necessary safety checks. We can prescribe the best acne treatment for adults and the best acne treatment for teens based on a 30 minute in depth consultation, in the comfort of your home.
£185 for your expert 30-minute consultation
Book using our online diary
Phone: 07821 523060
Follow the steps below to book an online appointment.
If you are having trouble booking an appointment, or you can’t find what you are looking for, please contact us on the details shown above.
Why choose Dr Anna and Dr Anita?
- Fast access to consultant dermatologists from the comfort of any UK home
- All video consultations are with a UK dermatologist with a special interest in acne
- Professional, reliable and holistic skin condition advice based on the latest research
- Full spectrum of acne treatments including topical and oral medications for your individual requirements
- Order prescription medication through our partner, for discounted treatment and UK-wide, next-day delivery.
What can I do for melasma and post inflammatory hyperpigmentation?
- Melasma is commonly seen in individuals living in areas of intense UV radiation. In Northern climates, the exact cause of melasma is not known, but some factors seem commonly implicated, for example, hormones in the contraceptive pill or in pregnancy. We know the sun can make melasma worse, so high factor UV sun screen is advised. Prescription retinoids can also help.
- Dark spots can be caused by increased pigmentation in the skin and is known as post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH). PIH can happen as a result of rubbing and trauma to the skin or any underlying inflammation. A variety of skin lightening creams can be used. Spots can darken in the sun so high factor UV protection is advised.
What is a retinoid?
Retinoids are made from vitamin A. They are prescription only creams and tablets and such they have been tried and tested for safety and they have been tested to make sure they can treat skin conditions effectively. Retinol is also safe, however it is milder and therefore available without a prescription.
How good is spironolactone for acne?
Spironolactone is normally used to treat heart failure I the elderly. Dermatologists can use it ‘off license’ to help some people with acne, hirsutism and alopecia. It works while you take it and sometimes it doesn’t work so we reserve its use for special circumstances.
How much does Accutane cost?
Accutane is also known as Roaccutane and isotretinoin. It’s made from Vitamin A and comes in capsules. If you have cystic or scarring acne, I recommend our Skin Assist Acne Treatment Program. Our program has a 95% cure rate. A course of isotretinoin typically lasts around 6 months with results seen by 8 weeks and mostly clear skin at 4 months. You will need a pre-treatment assessment and an in person appointment, followed by two online consultations.
What is the best treatment for acne?
For mild acne we find the most effective treatment is with medicated benzoyl peroxide. This non-prescription ingredient controls the acne-causing bacteria better than prescription antibiotics, which have led to bacterial resistance and puts you at risk of gram-negative folliculitis (a skin infection that resembles acne). For moderate acne, however, hormone or antibiotic treatment works well in combination with benzoyl peroxide.
For more severe acne or scarring cystic acne, oral retinoids work best to reduce your sebum production and decrease the bacteria in your skin.
Price list
Healthy Skin Treatment Plan £95
Pre-treatment assessment for isotretinoin £185
Follow up appointment for isotretinoin £185
Initial consultation for other conditions £250
Follow up consultation for other conditions £210

GS says:
This is one of my bravest and most determined of patients, and I am so grateful that I was able to go on this journey with her.
I have struggled with bad acne for so many years and it really got me down. I had tried many different medications until I choose to try the Skin Assist Acne Treatment Program. I found the support by Skin Assist dermatologists, Dr Anita and Dr Anna throughout my treatment with video calls, to be very beneficial. I have so much more confidence in myself now and I really feel much happier now. Thank you :),

IR says:
I was 18 and suddenly my skin started to get some black heads and then it got worse and worse over a year. Some of them were really painful. I tried everything over the counter and even the pills and antibiotic cream from the GP wasn’t helping. It made me feel really depressed and ugly and I felt very uncomfortable going out. I wore loads of concealer when going out but the numerous little spots still showed.
I was desperate for a solution and knew there was a long waiting list to see an NHS consultant, so I found Dr Amin. She was brilliant with an easy to use online form with attached photos and she responded within 24 hours with advice of a zoom call to discuss further and long term management. The pills prescribed took a while to build up and work but it did work! I was thrilled and felt so more confident.
The treatment took a year in total but now I can use over the counter face cleaner and moisturisers that have no harsh chemicals, and I hardly wear any makeup. Dr Amin was a lifesaver and was so kind and great at listening to my needs and reassuring me that the treatment will work. I am so grateful that I could access her with no GP referral so treatment started quickly, thank you.

JH says:
○ Originally seen in 2022, scarring acne for 3 years, lotions and creams hadn’t helped.
○ 6 month course of treatment.
○ Problems with dryness around lips, helped by prescription creams .
○ Otherwise well tolerated for 6 months.
○ Clear to date
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